This entry was posted in Twitter on November 20, 2016 by twilight @mrsfunnybones haha not just u..and not just auto correct worst typo is “got it” to “go tit” and “public” to “pubic”..happens too often
Reply ↓ aman_khipal November 21, 2016 at 21:03 RT @twilightfairy: @mrsfunnybones haha not just u..and not just auto correct worst typo is “got it” to “go tit” and “public” to “pubic…
Reply ↓ jvtid November 23, 2016 at 04:06 RT @twilightfairy: @mrsfunnybones haha not just u..and not just auto correct worst typo is “got it” to “go tit” and “public” to “pubic…
RT @twilightfairy: @mrsfunnybones haha not just u..and not just auto correct worst typo is “got it” to “go tit” and “public” to “pubic…
RT @twilightfairy: @mrsfunnybones haha not just u..and not just auto correct worst typo is “got it” to “go tit” and “public” to “pubic…