Bring in the new year with brightness like the luscious red and freshness like the fragrance of roses. A very happy new year to all my friends here!
This was clicked through the car, while this person hurried to deliver flowers early one morning.
Made it to flickr explore 5th Jan’08, #167. And with that new year wish, I am certainly going to be more active on my blog. That was the new year resolution, ahem.
GREAT pic, Twilite!
I was expecting to see roses in a vase on a table kind of shot. 🙂
Austere – so that’s good then :P. I gave you a surprise :).
Awesome pic!
How did you highlight the color of roses, keeping the background in gray scale? Is it a feature of your camera or u used photoshop?
Thanks Ankur 🙂
Anu – this isnt either of the things you guessed :). The shot just came out that way because of motion and slight haze. This has not been edited, it is straight out of the camera. Though there is definitely a way to do something like this in PS as well.
This photogragh leaves me with two thoughts . One that this person is working hard for his living and for him there is no new year celebrations and resolutions to make but to go ahead with his hard life.
Second for the ppl who will enjoy giving these flowers and wont think abt how much hard labour has gone into making and bringing these flowers.
Yes, that’s another way to look at it Kshitij.
great pic the red color and tinge of fresh green around adds life to the pic .
Amazing pic buddy. WOW!!
Nice photography babe.I never seen like this.