quick food

Queen’s Luncheon 1

Although I was making the meal & enjoying the luncheon in the aforementioned subject, I wasn’t the queen in question here. It was mostly the British monarch.

During my London & Scotland trip, I enjoyed Fish & Chips at various places. One of these places had served the chips or as we call them – potato wedges – with a very tasty minty mushy peas dip that I always wanted to try back home. I had also saved some Lemon Curd from Fortnum & Mason and decided to make the day a tad British my including these flavours in my meal for the day.

So here come the scrumptious details.


Quick Recipe – Peel & quarter potatoes, sprinkle herbs & seasonings of your choice – I used thyme & zatar. Sprinkle olive oil, Salt, Toss. Bake. Have with minty mushy peas.

Minty Mushy Peas (Dip for the Potato wedges)

Quick recipe – Saute peas with spring onions & a handful of mint for 4-5 minutes, add a splash of water, pressure cook. You can also add water & put to simmer till peas are cooked but I prefer pressure cooking. When done, just puree them, add Salt, seasonings, a little lemon juice as per taste.

Main course:

Quick Recipe – Cook & drain pasta, In a large pan saute veggies of your choice, with thyme/rosemary, add pasta & salt/pepper. You can eat this at this stage too. I made spinach pesto by blending blanched spinach, garlic, cheese, green chillies & olive oil. You can add walnut or almonds too for a nutty taste. Mix pesto with the cooked pasta. Reheat if necessary. Eat with parmesan cheese shavings.

I followed this with a muffin & lemon curd from Fortnum & Mason 🙂

PS. Here’s how Jamie Oliver makes Fish, chips & minty mushy peas