
Chasing the total solar eclipse! 6

Ahoy! All ye amateur/professional astronomers and photographers! Unless you live under a rock you might know that we are about to witness a total solar eclipse on 22nd July. This eclipse is one of its kinds since a total solar eclipse is a rare occurance and the next one in India happens many years later (in north of Kashmir). So if you want to catch the action live in India, now is the time. I’ll be travelling to Bhopal to try and capture this celestial event and more so, to witness one of nature’s finest marvels.

Here’s some useful info about the eclipse:

How to shoot an eclipse, the same article also has details about the safety precautions to be taken for the eyes. Here’s the BEST India related eclipse data sheet I could find. It has a lot of data with complete timings of the umbra, penumbra etc.

If you are on twitter, you can see all india related solar eclipse tweets by visiting this.
If you are tweeting your thoughts about the eclipse on twitter, pls use the hashtag #tse22

Enjoy and safe viewing! I hope to get some good shots.