Daily Archives: April 10, 2007

Birthday fun

Yet another filmy coincidence in my life (literally). He called to wish me at 12. The time was 1 minute to 12.
To avoid the expected jamming of phone lines at 12“, he explained.
I am not KBC!!“, I chuckled.

He was being a good boy, calling from the movie hall where he was watching Namaste London. To actually think of making a call with bloodthirsty vampires sitting all around, that was a major risk. Either he was too brave or the movie sucked and hence the hall was empty. I assumed the latter.
Happy birthday to you!“, he sang.
Thank you, thank you!“, all ready for some gift negotiation spree.
Suddenly a much louder chorus burst into a song.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!“, they sang and in the end even clapped, whistled, cheered and what not!
And that’s how the Namastey london cast wished me on my birthday! And guess what, it was right at 12 :). Much theatrical amusement.